Distance between a point and a lineΒΆ

Given a line r passing through two points A and B and assigned a point P, this function determines the projection of P on the line, evaluates its distance from the line and it indicates whether the projection is internal to the segment AB.

In [1]:
%pylab inline
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
In [2]:
import mathlab

importing the Math and Physics Lab project

equation describing a line between two points A-B:

\[x = x_{\mathrm{A}} + s * (x_{\mathrm{B}} - x_{\mathrm{A}})\]
\[y = y_{\mathrm{A}} + s * (y_{\mathrm{B}} - y_{\mathrm{A}})\]


\[0 \leq s \leq 1\]

equation of a line passing through P and orthogonal to A-B:

\[x = x_{\mathrm{P}} + t * sin(\alpha)\]
\[y = y_{\mathrm{P}} + t * cos(\alpha)\]


\[sin(\alpha) = (y_{\mathrm{B}} - y_{\mathrm{A}})/L\]
\[cos(\alpha) = (x_{\mathrm{B}} - x_{\mathrm{A}})/L\]


\[L = \sqrt{(x_{\mathrm{B}} - x_{\mathrm{A}})^2 + (y_{\mathrm{B}} - y_{\mathrm{A}})^2 }\]

instersection between the two line:

\[x_{\mathrm{A}} + s * (x_{\mathrm{B}} - x_{\mathrm{A}}) = x_{\mathrm{P}} + t * sin(\alpha)\]
\[y_{\mathrm{A}} + s * (y_{\mathrm{B}} - y_{\mathrm{A}}) = y_{\mathrm{P}} - t * cos(\alpha)\]

system of equation:

\[s * (x_{\mathrm{B}} - x_{\mathrm{A}}) - t * sin(\alpha) = x_{\mathrm{P}} - x_{\mathrm{A}}\]
\[s * (y_{\mathrm{B}} - y_{\mathrm{A}}) + t * cos(\alpha) = y_{\mathrm{P}} - y_{\mathrm{A}}\]
\[x_{\mathrm{A}} = 0; y_{\mathrm{A}} = 0; x_{\mathrm{B}} = 100; y_{\mathrm{B}} = 110; x_{\mathrm{P}} = 70; y_{\mathrm{P}} = 22\]
In [4]:
result = mathlab.point_line(0, 0, 100, 100, 70, 22)
projection point:  46.0 46.0
distance:  -33.941125497
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